My Journey

I'm not Handicapped, I'm Handicapable.
(and no i didnt get that from due date lol)

I left home and drove from nj to california in search of an independent life and safe access to my medicine* so i can live. It's been an interesting journey, lots of ups, lots of downs, and even though I am now weaker than ever...nothing will ever stop me from living my dream, regardless of how long I get to live.

Life is too precious and short to waste time. And I'm Ready.

The three videos below are before and after i left nj, an interview with the Washington Post during my road trip, some audition, and one other one hahaha idk i didnt set up the web site, im kinda lost there :P below that are blog entries! thank you!

Feel free to contact me at all times:

Help to save Mikey's life

As you know, Mikey has always been able to smile through the pain, no matter what, until recently. The pain in his stomach is now worse than ever and has led to an inability to eat, causing rapid weight loss. At 6'1", he's a meager 75 lbs and dropping fast. It's getting more difficult for Mikey to smile through the pain and fear.

One of the only places where Mikey can get help is the MAYO clinic in Minnesota. There, a team of specialized doctors will work together to figure out how his illnesses affect each other and can be treated to restore health and balance to his body so he can keep living his incredible life.

All of this obviously comes with a large amount of costs, which can only be covered with the help and donations of as many people as possible – even if it's just a dollar. Please click on one of the two following links to access the crowd funding campaigns that will help Mikey get better. Thank you!


All is not well with the Van.. Somehow (not to my surprise) something went wrong with the computer (which one..nobody knows). The Main CPU for the Beast needs to be looked at in order to fix the problem. The problem? No Heat or Air Conditioning, lots of fun in the hot or cold, fortunately for me there is, as of now only one stop that dabbles near the cold, Kansas!!! To fix the problem would mean to give up my wheels for probably about three weeks while all the equipment gets removed and checked (plus probably a $2,000 bill), not exactly something I can do! There's just not enough time in the world. CE LA VIE! Life goes on! :) So thank you Edwin for taking the time today to look at the van to see if it was fixable, I also greatly appreciate only being charged for a half hour's labor ( after several hours of working on it). You're the man! However today was still the best day of my life, just because I said So! :P We got stickers for the van, had great conversation with a lovely woman Michelle, Hi Michelle! haha and some great advice from Bill, so thank you Bill as well! much appreciated! And I got to see a good friend Bob who I know through life's beautiful grapevine, Mat, Bob, Kevin and I all went out for a nice meal and enjoyed the warm Miami breeze coming off the waterfront. It was a beautiful day, despite the bad news about the van....but all that mean is that this journey is gonna get that much more exciting and random! I can't wait to see whats next! :)

Hold ups today prevented me from editing the footage we got, but when things slow down a little it shall be up! The Van and Myself are not in tip top shape so please accept my apology, its been quite the adventure so far! and im LOVIN it! Im just embracing whatever may come!

Gonna miss you Natalie! Thanks for two nights of fun...and music hahaha

Till tomorrow,

Peace and Love,



tylergregory at: December 10, 2008 at 2:01 AM said...

yesyesyes kansas!

warm tea
sing alongs
listen to good music
play games
warm house
good people!

Anonymous at: December 10, 2008 at 4:47 PM said...

I was afraid that your van was going to give you trouble. Buy some heat pads for yourself while you drive. Kansas will be cold as will any areas of desert in the southwest (at night). Keep on truckin, fudgepacker! Keep me updated!

Bear Enthusiast at: December 23, 2008 at 9:28 PM said...

more about two nights of fun with natalie plz lol

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